Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Volcano eruptions no longer prevent exploring in Volcanoids with Blast Shelters added

Tags: Steam, Indie Game, Early Access, Update, Steampunk

Volcanoids, an incredibly unique and extremely promising steampunk base-builder just had a huge feature update and it's a big improvement.

Your base, the Drillship, is also your transportation but the island you're on has a constantly erupting Volcano which usually meant a mad-dash back to your ship. This made exploration a bit of a nuisance but no more! You can now find dedicated Blast Shelters to hide in, with each village having one and so you can explore further without too many worries. The developer also added in various mines to find spread across the map.

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With this release loading times were cut dramatically, I've tested their claim of it myself and loading time is insanely quick compared to what it was which is great. There's also a new F1 help menu, enemy robot drillships will now spawn their COG bots from dedicated tubes you need to destroy inside their ship.

One other big change, is that if you manage to get further into the game and destroy the enemy COG lava source they will no longer spawn drillships. They're working on adding in specialised "Hunter Drillships" that will come for you directly in those areas but it's not quite finished.

As for what's to come next, they're going to focus a lot on the multiplayer side of it which should release for Volcanoids this year. Some of the core features needed for it are done, but a lot of other pieces need to be fixed up, added and adjusted to accommodate multiple people. Sounds like a Alpha-level build with supports for 4 players will be coming, for testing and to iterate on. All sounds great!

Find the very unique survival game Volcanoids on Steam.

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