Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Frictional Games are getting sneakier with their teaser - looks like we have a baby coming

Tags: Indie Game, Upcoming, Teaser

I hope you're getting as ridiculously excited as I am about whatever this ends up being. Frictional Games have updated their teaser website for their upcoming game again.

Here's an overview of how it's changed. This growth happened from late December last year, up until January 29 when the video was updated:

It sure does look like a baby now, perhaps this is still to throw us off and it's going to turn into a disaster somehow? Well, Frictional Games are the creators of SOMA, Amnesia and Penumbra so some horrible thing is bound to happen.

When writing about it last time, I noted how they were also putting up secret videos on YouTube you had to find the code for. They either showed up inside meta tags in the HTML code of the teaser website, or somewhere else like a title that pops up when you hover over something. Checking back again, they actually put a code in a hidden span HTML tag:

Exxpedition: frrequenncy oof raddioo 78.3 short WWave seQQuence

When you work out what that means, it's "Exxpedition frrequenncy oof raddioo 783 short WWave seQQuence". Taking the double letters with the numbers and then the doubled capitals leads to another of their hidden videos:

youtube video thumbnail
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Attempting to read the letter shown is difficult. Something about an itching behind their eyes, trying not to be afraid and it ends with the writer wishing they had their gun. The video description is:

Recovered 12/5/2018, via source S576a. Salzburg, site TBD. Document retrieval failed, investigation commissioned.

Oh Frictional, you tease.

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